Weekly Report .

Weekly Report 19/07/2020

We had a recent visit from and angler who has fished the Private Beat in the past and had success. On this occasion, he decided to bring along his partner. Now, the reasons for this could be many and varied! Maybe he wanted to show off his fishing prowess, maybe she was brought along to cook lunch or possibly clean his wellies at the end of the day!! Our man proceeded to systematically comb the Sauce Pool for the next couple of hours without success. Confident that the fish were off the take, he decided to offer his wealth of fishing knowledge to his Partner Ruth Thompson believing that this was to be a casting lesson. Wham! Ruth was in to a fish almost immediately which was duly landed although Ruth did remark that he was making strange "slashing" movements toward the fly in the fishes mouth! Bang! Ruth was in to another fish which played very hard and watched on by a very silent partner! For reasons of personal safety this angler will remain nameless ( but YOU know who you are Mr. Pete Smith) W do have a photo but we are having difficulty in removing the image of the hand from across the camera lens!!